
The One and Only Ivan

ICAN Activities

February 2  /  Pasant Theatre

Bring the kids early for fun family activities

Wharton Center Inner Circle ICAN volunteers will be on hand one hour before each performance, to provide fun family activities and craft projects before you enter the theatre for The One and Only Ivan.

Projects and activities will include making a gorilla puppet, a foam plate cage, a gorilla hand print, an elephant, decorating a bookmark, and playing a bean toss game. Children may also decorate a paper bag in which to take their projects home.

Family activities begin at 12:30pm and 3:00pm, respectively. Come early, project activity is while supplies last.

Please note event parking is $10 cash only.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Special thanks to Wharton Center Inner Circle for making this activity possible.

Wharton Center
for Performing Arts

Michigan State University
750 E. Shaw Lane | East Lansing, MI 48824
(517)432-2000 or 1-800-WHARTON

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