
Quinn XCII / Spring Concert

Helpful tips


Dear Ticket Holder,

We hope you are looking forward to the upcoming Spring Concert. Here are some tips to make your visit more enjoyable.

What to Expect

Event Details

  • Please check your tickets or email confirmation to make sure you are arriving on the correct date and time, Tuesday, April 25 at 8pm.
  • Opening the performance is Flint Eastwood.
  • This is a sold out event. If picking up tickets at Will Call, please allow for extra time.
  • Doors to the lobby open 1 hour prior to the performance. Concessions and merchandise will be available at this time.
  • Floor ticket holders will receive wrist bands upon entry. There is no re-entry onto the floor.
  • Run time is approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes.


Auditorium surface lot (Lot 9)

  • 542 Auditorium Rd
  • Meters free after 6pm
  • Barrier free entrance located on southwest side of building, drop off only

Administration Ramp (Lot 12)

  • 458 Auditorium Rd
  • Approximately .3 miles to Auditorium

Please contact us at (517) 432-2000 with any questions about this event.

MSU is a tobacco-free campus.

Wharton Center
for Performing Arts

Michigan State University
750 E. Shaw Lane | East Lansing, MI 48824
(517)432-2000 or 1-800-WHARTON

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Some programs or promotions only available for certain time.

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