
Junie B. Jones

Sensory-Friendly Performance Helpful tips

April 28  /  Pasant Theatre

Dear Ticket Holder,

We look forward to seeing you here at Wharton Center when you attend the Sensory-Friendly Performance of JUNIE B JONES. Here are some tips to make your visit more enjoyable:

Wharton Center Event Parking

  • Parking is available in the ramp adjacent to Wharton Center (MSU Ramp #3), 766 East Shaw Lane. The parking fee for Ramp #3 is $10.00 CASH ONLY and is non-refundable.
  • Free parking is available in the Shaw Ramp (MSU Ramp #1), 592 North Shaw Lane, behind the MSU College of Law, west of Wharton Center.
  • View the Directions and Parking page for more information.

Event Details

It's Junie B.'s first day of first grade, and a lot of things have changed for her: Junie's friend, Lucille, doesn't want to be her best pal anymore and, on the bus, Junie B. makes friends with Herb, the new kid at school. Also, Junie has trouble reading the blackboard and her teacher, Mr. Scary, thinks she may need glasses. Throw in a friendly cafeteria lady, a kickball tournament and a "Top-Secret Personal Beeswax Journal," and first grade has never been more exciting.

Sensory-Friendly Details & Accommodations

  • Sensory-Friendly Performances feature a welcoming, supportive environment for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other sensory sensitivities and their families or caregivers. Adaptations to the performance include:
    • Lower sound and light levels onstage
    • House lights on at a low level throughout the performance (the theatre will never go completely dark)
    • Elimination of potentially startling special effects and lighting
  • Trained staff, volunteers, and ASD specialists will be on hand to assist and direct audience members as needed.
  • Sensory supports will be available (fidgets, earplugs).
  • Quiet areas will be designated in the lobby.
  • A crafts and activities area will be available starting at 12:30 pm. and throughout the performance.
  • Video monitors will broadcast the performance in the lobby and activity areas for those who need a break from the theatre but still want to watch the performance.
  • Typical theatre house rules are relaxed:
    • Audience members may get up, move around, and leave whenever they need
    • Audience members are welcome to bring devices for therapeutic uses, including iPads and smart phones
    • Audience members may bring their own manipulatives, comfort objects, seat cushions, headphones, electronics, and other supports
  • A Social Narrative and Character Cards are available online, with text and pictures explaining what attendees can expect during the theatre experience.
  • The FAQ page spells out more specifics about what our Sensory-Friendly Performances entail.

If you’re receiving this message as the lead contact for a group ticket purchase, please make sure to share the information with any and all guests that are coming to see the show.

Please contact us at (517) 432-2000 with any questions about this event. We look forward to seeing you at Wharton Center for Performing Arts.

MSU is a tobacco-free campus.

Wharton Center
for Performing Arts

Michigan State University
750 E. Shaw Lane | East Lansing, MI 48824
(517)432-2000 or 1-800-WHARTON

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