Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood LIVE!

VIP Meet & Greet Helpful tips

After performance   /  Jackson Lounge

Dear VIP Meet & Greet Ticket Holder,

Thank you for purchasing VIP Meet & Greet ticket(s) to Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood LIVE!

The VIP Meet & Greet will take place approximately 15 minutes after the performance ends, in the Jackson Lounge at Wharton Center. For security reasons, each participant is required to have their VIP performance ticket with them in order to attend this event. Your VIP performance ticket is your pass to meet the characters. If a guest does not have their VIP performance ticket, company management cannot allow them to enter the Meet & Greet.

After the show, please stay in your seats, and you will be chaperoned to the VIP event. Remember to bring your camera– you’ll want to capture every moment!

Please note that our live show characters are full-body, human costumes. They are larger in size and scale than the characters on the TV show Daniel Tiger. While most children are excited to meet the characters up-close, others can feel frightened. If a child is scared or hesitant to meet the characters, we recommend moving to the back of the line; this will allow each child the extra time he/she may need to warm up to the characters and see how they interact with other children present.

Please contact us at (517) 432-2000 or 1.800.WHARTON with any questions about this event. We look forward to seeing you at Wharton Center for Performing Arts.

Wharton Center
for Performing Arts

Michigan State University
750 E. Shaw Lane | East Lansing, MI 48824
(517)432-2000 or 1-800-WHARTON

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