
Wharton Center could not bring the best of Broadway and performing arts to mid-Michigan without the support of you, our Series Ticket Holders.


As a thank you for subscribing to the 2024-2025 series, please stop by the Series Subscriber table in the Sierra Lobby starting one hour before your performance to pick up a sweet treat.

There are also a couple of items to be aware of:

New Friday & Saturday evening start time
A 7:30pm start time is now in place for Friday and Saturday night Broadway performances.

You may notice security cameras have been installed throughout the building. The cameras are tied into MSU’s Security Operations Center.

We plan to have metal detectors in place for all Broadway events and several performing arts events and MSU police will continue to be on hand for all events.

Specific security information can be found on the event pages at

Renovations at Wharton Center were in full swing this summer and will be very visible when you arrive for the first performance. We hope you enjoy our fresh new look!

Ramp 3 elevators
The good news: Elevator 1 in the parking ramp has been updated and is in working order.

The bad news: Elevator 2 is now in need of repair. We hope it will be up and running in early 2025. Until both elevators are working, those looking to avoid steps should park on the second floor of the ramp. We thank you for your patience.