Featuring the Michigan premieres of Broadway’s hilarious musical Shucked and Life of Pi, and the Wharton Center debut of MJ, 5-show Broadway packages start at just $225.
Add on shows to your package like the family show Family Magic with Bill Blagg; Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny; Peking Acrobats and more.
Only subscribers receive the best benefits:
- Best seats
- Lowest ticket prices
- Flexible ticket exchanges
- Add on Performing Arts shows
- First access to new events
- Discounts at area businesses
Photo credits:
1. Kailin Brown as Velma Kelly and Company in the Touring Production of CHICAGO; Credit Jeremy Daniel
2. Original Broadway Cast 2023; Ashley D. Kelley and Grey Henson in SHUCKED by Matthew Murphy and Evan Zimmerman
3. "One Day More" from Les Misérables; Matthew Murphy & Evan Zimmerman for MurphyMade
4. Roman Banks as 'MJ' and the cast of the MJ First National Tour; Photo by Matthew Murphy, MurphyMade
5. LIFE OF PI: Hiran Abeysekera, Richard Parker (Fred Davis, Scarlet Wilderink, Andrew Wilson); by Matthew Murphy & Evan Zimmerman for MurphyMade